
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Letting Go

Ever feel like you are slowly morphing into Wonder Woman? The burden of taking on the world is tremendous, I can tell you first hand. Trying to accomplish EVERYTHING and keep everyone happy, including yourself, is……..impossible. And there is little to be gained by doing so, unless you consider pulling out your hair, crying in frustration and feeling as though you are near death exhausted is an accomplishment (that would be a negative, if I dare say so myself). I have tried the Wonder Woman role and I have failed, I will leave it to the comic books!!

My new mantra: Let it Go.

The  laundry basket is near to overflowing. The stove top is screaming “SUFFOCATING from grease, please scrub me!!”. The dishes are slowly becoming a new conversation piece, IN THE SINK. The entire house could use some serious TLC. There is food to prepare for the upcoming week and errands to do that couldn’t be done during the crazy work week.  And then, there is your little baby boy, sitting in the midst of the chaos (which I really believe resides mostly in your head), those big baby blue’s pleading for your undivided attention. To him, you are his superhero!

This past weekend was an awakening. My sweetie was very clingy, it was obvious that all he really wanted was some time with his two favorite people, rather than go to parties or have relatives pinching his cheeks. It’s amazing how simple their wants and needs are. We tend to over think what we feel they might enjoy or need. So in one massive brain altering moment, I decided that all the chores can wait (I'm a genius, right?!) All of the errands can wait. I will get to them once our little guy is fast asleep. AND I WONT STRESS OVER IT (thats a huge leap of faith!). Throughout the day I have to ask myself “what is really important?”.

My return response: creating memories with my son. Giving him the best little life he could possibly have. I highly doubt he will remember the mess. All he will remember is that he was loved tremendously and we played to our hearts content!!!

This new journey is a huge learning curve. It’s a sacrifice of one’s-self in the act of pure unconditional love. I have placed my wants, my needs all to the side. And you know what, Logan, my precious sweetheart, has made me such a better person for it. He has come along and turned my life inside out. It’s amazing how all of the material must-haves and vain purchases fall wayside and somehow just become not so important anymore.  I love the fact that my life is no longer all about ME.

So, my new goal: Don’t sweat the petty stuff in life, focus on the moment and what is truly important. Sounds easy enough…..right? 

{Love this, "Song for Fifth Child"}


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Motherhood & A Warm Welcome

As a fulltime working mother to a very active, adorable and happy baby boy, emotions can run raw and leave you feeling extremely weepy once drop off time at the sitters rolls around every morning. Leaving my son five days a week for 8 hours a day takes its toll. Needless to say, I live for my weekends where I get to wake up with my husband and scoop our little one out of his crib into our bed for some much over due cuddle time.

The smile of unconditional joy he has once he wakes to see me hovering over his crib is like food to my soul.  The outstretched arms, butterfly kisses to those adorable milk-jug cheeks (and the kisses he now gives back), the sweetest returned hugs and sleepy looks of love… could you not be an absolute pool of sappiness!

I live for family time.....if I had my wish, I would be a stay at home mom. But sometimes, you have no choice in the matter, like myself, and us fulltime mothers have to make best of the time we do have with our little tykes.

This blog, which I have actually had for a very long time with no actual posts (very sad I know), will be my little area of the world to vent my woes, share my moments of joy, record milestones and rambles of everyday life.

For those that can relate, welcome aboard and know you’re not alone in this adventure of motherhood! Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Growing up

It’s unbelievable how time has a habit of whizzing by when you actually want it to slow down. Our little boy is taking on the world and growing before our eyes. This past weekend within one hour he was power crawling around the house, getting into everything he shouldn’t! And once he had enough of that, he scooted his tiny self right up to the coffee table and tried his best to pull himself up….we just stared at him in amazement.

No longer do I have that immobile bundle of cuddlesome joy, I now am a mother to a very active little hurricane of giggles and mischievous grins! As much as I love this new chapter, I can’t help the lump in my throat wishing that time would simply stay put. I want to soak him up like a sea sponge. I want to stop time and remember every second spent together. I wish we had an internal camera that could capture every precious moment, every love filled gaze and every “excited to see mommy” dance.

Last night we snapped pics of his first introduction to a very fun food: spaghetti. He was in sauce and noodle heaven! Of course most of it was in his lap or stuck to his clothes, but needless to say it was definitely an experience worth witnessing. He never ceases to crack us up and himself, our little goof!

This weekend we plan on taking him on a road trip to see his nana, uncle and aunt. They are going to be amazed at how much he has changed and what a big boy he has turned into (like literally overnight!).